Sunday, October 31, 2010

Entropy Generation Minimization: The Method of Thermodynamic Optimization of Finite-Size Systems and Finite-Time Processes (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Series)

Entropy Generation Minimization: The Method of Thermodynamic Optimization of Finite-Size Systems and Finite-Time Processes (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Series) Review

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Entropy Generation Minimization: The Method of Thermodynamic Optimization of Finite-Size Systems and Finite-Time Processes (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Series) Feature

This book presents the diverse and rapidly expanding field of Entropy Generation Minimization (EGM), the method of thermodynamic optimization of real devices. The underlying principles of the EGM method - also referred to as "thermodynamic optimization," "thermodynamic design," and "finite time thermodynamics" - are thoroughly discussed, and the method's applications to real devices are clearly illustrated.
The EGM field has experienced tremendous growth during the 1980s and 1990s. This book places EGM's growth in perspective by reviewing both sides of the field - engineering and physics. Special emphasis is given to chronology and to the relationship between the more recent work and the pioneering work that outlined the method and the field.
Entropy Generation Minimization combines the fundamental principles of thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics. EGM applies these principles to the modeling and optimization of real systems and processes that are characterized by finite size and finite time constraints, and are limited by heat and mass transfer and fluid flow irreversibilities.
Entropy Generation Minimization provides a straightforward presentation of the principles of the EGM method, and features examples that elucidate concepts and identify recent EGM advances in engineering and physics. Modern advances include the optimization of storage by melting and solidification; heat exchanger design; power from hot-dry-rock deposits; the on & off operation of defrosting refrigerators and power plants with fouled heat exchangers; the production of ice and other solids; the maximization of power output in simple power plant models with heat transfer irreversibilities; the minimization of refrigerator power input in simple models; and the optimal collection and use of solar energy.

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic Mechanics (Mathematical Modeling)

Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic Mechanics (Mathematical Modeling) Review

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Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic Mechanics (Mathematical Modeling) Feature

Engineering systems have played a crucial role in stimulating many of the modern developments in nonlinear and stochastic dynamics. After 20 years of rapid progress in these areas, this book provides an overview of the current state of nonlinear modeling and analysis for mechanical and structural systems. This volume is a coherent compendium written by leading experts from the United States, Canada, Western and Eastern Europe, and Australia. The 22 articles describe the background, recent developments, applications, and future directions in bifurcation theory, chaos, perturbation methods, stochastic stability, stochastic flows, random vibrations, reliability, disordered systems, earthquake engineering, and numerics. The book gives readers a sophisticated toolbox that will allow them to tackle modeling problems in mechanical systems that use stochastic and nonlinear dynamics ideas. An extensive bibliography and index ensure this volume will remain a reference standard for years to come.

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Quick Guide to API 570 Certified Pipework Inspector Syllabus: Example Questions and Worked Answers

A Quick Guide to API 570 Certified Pipework Inspector Syllabus: Example Questions and Worked Answers Review

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A Quick Guide to API 570 Certified Pipework Inspector Syllabus: Example Questions and Worked Answers Feature

The API Individual Certification Programs (ICPs) are well established worldwide in the oil, gas, and petroleum industries. This Quick Guide is unique in providing simple, accessible and well-structured guidance for anyone studying the API 570 Certified Pipework Inspector syllabus by: Summarizing and helping them through the syllabus; and providing multiple example questions and worked answers Technical standards covered are referenced from the API ICP body of knowledge for the examination, i.e. API 570 Piping inspection code; API RP 571 Damage mechanisms affecting fixed equipment in the refining industry; API RP 574 Inspection practices for piping system components; API RP 577 Welding and metallurgy; API RP 578 Material verification program for new and existing alloy piping systems; ASME V Non-destructive examination; ASME IX Welding qualifications; ASME B16.5 Pipe flanges and flanged fittings; and ASME B31.3 Process Piping. Co-published by ASME Press and Woodhead Publishing Limited (UK)

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Who's Who in Plastics Polymers, First Edition

Who's Who in Plastics Polymers, First Edition Review

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Who's Who in Plastics Polymers, First Edition Feature

This is the first edition of a unique new plastics industry resource: Who's Who in Plastics & Polymers. It is the only biographical directory of its kind and includes contact, affiliation and background information on more than 3300 individuals who are active leaders in this industry and related organizations.

The biographical directory is in alphabetical order by individual name. After each individual name, current affiliation and contact information is provided. This includes job title, full name of affiliation (e.g., business, university, association, research institute), business address, and electronic contacts-telephone, fax, e-mail and Web site. Home addresses and contacts are also provided for most of the entries.

In the biographical summary section for each individual, the following information is provided: date and place of birth, education and educational achievements, work experience including company or other organization names, positions held and time periods. Also included in this section are the number of patents awarded, articles, and book chapters authored, and conference sessions chaired. Other information includes titles of books edited or written by the individual, listing of conferences where the person had a leadership position, and listing of memberships and positions held in professional organizations. Finally, professional and civic awards are listed.

Indexes provide listings of individuals by company or other organization name, and also by geographical location.

Who's Who in Plastics & Polymers is now published in a limited edition of 1,000 copies. This edition will not be reprinted. To be sure of receiving your copy, please act now. Information on ordering follows sample pages on the reverse.

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Simultaneous Engineering: Methodologies and Applications (Dgeb Publication)

Simultaneous Engineering: Methodologies and Applications (Dgeb Publication) Review

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Simultaneous Engineering: Methodologies and Applications (Dgeb Publication) Feature

This book covers recent advances in simultaneous engineering and contemporary issues related to the development and implementation of successful systems. The scope of material includes recent research related to simultaneous engineering problem-solving architectures, organizational issues, tools and techniques of simultaneous engineering, design methods, and application of artificial intelligence and numeric tools.

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fluid-Structure Interactions, Volume 2

Fluid-Structure Interactions, Volume 2 Review

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Fluid-Structure Interactions, Volume 2 Feature

The text is richly illustrated, lightly written and more wide-ranging than Volume 1. A comprehensive treatment of fluid-structure interactions involving axial flow and slender structures, such as piping, human veins, aircraft, nuclear reactor fuel and submarine skins. The emphasis is on fundamentals, particularly on the physical understanding and underlying mechanisms, as well as on applications.

This book will be invaluable for researchers, professional engineers, applied scientists and students involved in the design, study or operation or systems involving fluid flow, internal or external structures, wind or ocean currents

Emphasizes real-world analysis of problems encountered in the field and presents their solutions

A practical and thorough literature review of over 1400 references, an excellent reference document

Bridges the gap between academic researchers and practitioners in industry

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Pipeline Geomatics: Practice & Innovation (Pipeline Engineering Monograph)

Pipeline Geomatics: Practice & Innovation (Pipeline Engineering Monograph) Review

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Pipeline Geomatics: Practice & Innovation (Pipeline Engineering Monograph) Feature

This third volume in the Pipeline Engineering Monograph Series discusses how geomatics is helping pipeline companies innovate efficiently and responsibly through its applications in pipeline engineering, construction, integrity, regulatory compliance, assessing environmental impact, and managing growing volumes of data. This book provides pipeline and other engineering professionals with a thorough look at pipeline geomatic practices, as well as thoughts on the future. With this knowledge, engineers will be better equipped to understand the changes occurring in the industry and will be well prepared to seek further expert advice going forward.

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Engineering Design Reliability Handbook

Engineering Design Reliability Handbook Review

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Engineering Design Reliability Handbook Feature

Researchers in the engineering industry and academia are making important advances on reliability-based design and modeling of uncertainty when data is limited. Non deterministic approaches have enabled industries to save billions by reducing design and warranty costs and by improving quality.

Considering the lack of comprehensive and definitive presentations on the subject, Engineering Design Reliability Handbook is a valuable addition to the reliability literature. It presents the perspectives of experts from the industry, national labs, and academia on non-deterministic approaches including probabilistic, interval and fuzzy sets-based methods, generalized information theory, Dempster-Shaffer evidence theory, and robust reliability. It also presents recent advances in all important fields of reliability design including modeling of uncertainty, reliability assessment of both static and dynamic components and systems, design decision making in the face of uncertainty, and reliability validation. The editors and the authors also discuss documented success stories and quantify the benefits of these approaches.

With contributions from a team of respected international authors and the guidance of esteemed editors, this handbook is a distinctive addition to the acclaimed line of handbooks from CRC Press.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Design Engineering: A Manual for Enhanced Creativity

Design Engineering: A Manual for Enhanced Creativity Review

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Design Engineering: A Manual for Enhanced Creativity Feature

As with any art, science, or discipline, natural talent is only part of the equation. Consistent success stems from honing your skills, cultivating good techniques, and hard work. Design engineering, a field often considered an intuitive process not amenable to scientific investigation, is no exception. Providing descriptive theory, broad context, and practical examples, Design Engineering: A Manual for Enhanced Creativity explores how to quantify creativity, codify inspiration, and document a process seemingly based solely on intuition.

The authors discuss how to clarify the design task, conceptualize candidate solutions, and search for alternatives. They delineate how these phases fit into an industrial context, including engineering product development, and what to consider during design engineering to satisfy all customers. The book discusses activities and methods for performing engineering design work in a rational, reviewable, and documented way, increasing the likelihood of finding an optimal solution. The presentation covers substantiated use of intuition and opportunism as an integral part of rational, systematic, and methodical designing. It examines the influence of other topics on the work, such as psychology, computers, teamwork, application of methods, and education. The authors recommend that results from these less systematic activities be brought into the rational and systematic framework to document the results.

Based on the authors' extensive industrial experience, the book elucidates a coherent body of knowledge of design engineering. The book clearly details an easily applicable theory that not only gives you solid design tools, but can also be adapted to any existing design situation.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Advances in Heat Transfer, Volume 24

Advances in Heat Transfer, Volume 24 Review

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Advances in Heat Transfer, Volume 24 Feature

Advances in Heat Transfer is designed to fill the information gap between the regularly scheduled journals and university level textbooks, allowing for in-depth review articles on a broader scope than is allowable in either journals or texts.

Key Features
* Reviews recent work on melt lubrication at the interface between two solid parts, one of which is at its melting point
* Employs variational principle with vanishing parameter in the study of linear and nonlinear transient heat conduction through bodies of finite length
* Reviews heat transfer in porous media and its rapidly growing body of literature
* Emphasizes recent developments in handling complex geometry, treating wide flow speed variations, yielding accurate solutions, and producing results efficiently as illustrated throughout with many examples
* Discusses unsteady convective situations which are generated in response to the time-dependent boundary conditions on the surface walls of a container, and its practical industrial applications

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